Sunday, January 20, 2008

Why was 1994 such a lucky year for me?

I know Rod has caught one much bigger but this fish will stay in my memory for ever. It was magnificent and fought like hell I think - can't remember to be honest! I definitely caught at night on the fly on the River Towy, that is for sure!

Not only did I catch my biggest salmon but also my biggest sewin!

11lb - 4 oz Sewin caught on the River Towy in 1994

I suppose this fish has to my best catch! Sewin are difficult to catch at the best of times so I am particularly proud of this one! Thank you Rod for taking such a good picture in the early hours of the morning and with an old type SLR camera too! I don't think digital had been invented then? I scanned this to get it up on my blog and it does'nt look bad does it?

Rod - have you got a picture of your 14lb sewin?

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