Thursday, September 03, 2009

Rodder's takes to the sea!

Rod has sent me this report about his salt water fly fishing exploits!

It’s been difficult for me recently trying to coordinate a trip to the Towy at Llangadog when the river's been okay for the night fly, so decided instead to try my hand at sea bass fishing, something I’ve wanted to do for quite along time, and the sea is nearer to my home.

As I’ve never been bassing before I thought it best I book my very first trip with ghillie Justin Anwyl, who runs a sea bass guiding service from Chichester Harbour and the surrounding area.

See his website

On this occasion we were drifting over kelp beds from a small boat, another first for me. Thanks to Justin’s guidance, advice and tackle, I managed to catch my first ever sea bass and on a fly. Estimated weight was 5lb and put up a very strong fight and maybe more so than a similar weight sewin, but without the acrobatics!! I was very pleased with myself (see photo) and as this is a bass conservation area unfortunately it went back instead of on my plate!

I was rewarded again later with another hard fighting fish of about 2.5lb. My fellow angler Duncan also had two fish of very similar size. And to cap it all I also caught my first ever mackerel, also on a fly. This was a memorable and very enjoyable day, which wouldn’t have been possible without Justin’s guidance. I will definitely go again and maybe try it from the beach next time, when all the kids are back at school!!


Well done Rod! I think I will have a go too sometime!