Sunday, June 28, 2009

Perserverance pays off!

Went fishing Saturday 27th June on a fine, warm night with the river low but clear and with the knowledge that their are plenty of fish about.

Met up with Dylan earlier and decided to fish the cattle drink for a change. Their was the odd fish moving but nothing seemed interested in our flies despite trying every pattern in our boxes! It soon became obvious that we not going to get lucky so Dylan and I walked back to our cars foe a coffee. He decided to quit but I thought I would try my luck at the Car Park Pool. At about 2.45 am I saw a fish move in the tail of the pool. I moved on down quickly and started to cover it. After 3 casts it took very gently, in fact I thought I had snagged on the bottom. It turned out to be a good 7 lb fish, caught on of course a Rodder's Special yet again! Rod - your fly is a revolution and for me has been very successful particularly for the big fish and those that are travelling I think!

Very rewarding!

Tight lines all.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Where have all the sewin gone, gone gone everyone!

I went fishing with John on Friday night. It was the most perfect night. Dark, still, warm and the water was pretty clear. After last Thurs and Friday nights fishing I thought we were bound to catch fish in these conditions. How silly of me! We didn't really see or hear any fish of any consequence throughout the night having started fishing at about 10.30 pm and packed up at 3.00 am! We fished really hard all night but the fish were not to be found and there were 'no new kids on block' turn up at 2 am either! It was very disappointing but I guess that is sewin fishing!

Tight lines!

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Is the main sewin run underway?

Well, if the last 2 nights are anything to go by then I would definitely say that it is!

I spent 2 nights on the river (Thurs - Fri) and managed to land 2 fish (one 3 1/2 lb on Thurs and one 6 lb on Friday). Both were fresh, silver and in prime condition.

Thursday night's fishing started with me showing a visiting angler around the beat. Shane is interested in joining LAL and therefore took out a day ticket so that he could take a look at the beat. I offered to show him around so we both finished up fishing together all night down the bottom end of the LAL water. Hopefully Shane will be convinced of the quality of fishing that we have as he finished up with 2 sewin, one of 2 lb and the other about 3 lb - the first sewin that he has ever caught on the fly at night! Well done Shane! He was very pleased with himself and we both sat together having a cup of tea back at my base at 4.30 am talking about the nights fishing.

Shane with his 2 sewin, both caught on the fly!

I also caught a my first sewin of 2009 at 2.00 am which weighed exactly 3 1/2 lb so I was happy too!

Friday night was even more exciting!

John, my brother-in-law came down to fish with me and we both met up with Dave and Tim on the river before dark. As soon as darkness arived I started fishing the pool opposite the log where we sit. I had at least 2 good pulls but John, who was following down behind me, hooked a good fish but unfortunately it didn't hold. Bad luck mate! Tim, meanwhile managed a 1 lb sewin further upstream which opened his account for the season!

Things went quiet for awhile until about 2 am when I hooked and landed my 6 lb sewin. It was a beauty! Soon after Tim hooked and landed a good 6 1/2 lb fish which fought like hell! Around about 3 am I hooked a monster! I played it for quite awhile and it appeared to be well hooked. It fought deep down most of the time and I am convinced it was a double figure fish! It was not to be though and soon it released itself much to my frustration. Still, it was an exciting few hours that I can honestly say was some of the best fishing I have experienced for many years!

My 6 lb sewin awaiting the knife!

Lets hope this season will be a good one!

Tight lines


The Towy is so beautiful at this time of year with loads of wildlife to see and hear.

Looking down on the Railway Bridge Pool and the Car Park Pool