Monday, August 10, 2009

Thursday 6th August - a good nights sport!

Went fishing last week for a couple of nights and had some good sport on the fly!

Thursday night was warm and the water completely clear. I landed 2 fish, one 1 1/2 lb and one 3 1/2 lb but I lost many more! If I had landed every fish that I had felt the weight of then I would have had the best night of my whole career. Every other cast it seemed produced a pull or better. It was amazing!

Even more amazing was the big black cat that I saw! Must put this story in my book!

1 comment:

  1. Tim Wilkinson9:01 PM

    Well done Andy - nice to hear of some fish caught. I went out Sunday night but saw very little. Not many fish about at all (in fact there were more anglers than fish - 8 folks fishing the bottom end).I saw 2 fish come out(small) and one larger fish hooked and lost. Nothing for me though :(




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