Friday, August 06, 2010


Rodney - it is long time overdue in my opinion that sea trout and salmon fishermen alike not only voice their concerns about dwindling fish runs but actually start doing something about it! In fact I personally think that its time to take ACTION NOW!

The EA have been pratting about for too long with clearing feeder streams, 'improving' habitat, doing things that don't cost much money but it ain't working and it won't. There are things that can be done now that will have a major impact on fish stocks, the environment and the ecology! They might not be well received in some quarters but neither are the measures being taken by our Government currently to rectify the credit crunch. So what can be done?

Ask any game fisherman in the UK and he or she will tell you!!!

How can we do it?

By joining together in a united force with one aim in mind - to RESTORE OUR GAME RIVERS BACK TO THEIR FORMER GLORY SO THAT FISHERMEN FROM ALL OVER THE UK AND THE WORLD WILL WANT TO COME AND FISH HERE. We all know what effect that would have!

If we don't ACT NOW then frankly I can't see me bothering to fish the Towy in the next 2 or 3 years and as far as my kids or grand kids fishing prospects are concerned - forget it!

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