Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wader studs?

I've just ordered some wader studs from Sportfish! Not just for my waders but I intend to try them in my walking boots too! They are relatively cheap at less then £5.00 for 30 studs plus p & P. I am fed up with sliding and slipping about in my walking boots so I'm going to try them and see what happens.


  1. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Are you sure it's not too much red wine!!

  2. Hi Andrew

    Have you had your studs from sportfish. I hope you have better luck with them than i did. After using my waders twice they fell out.

    Tight lines


  3. Nick - I've used these for years and have found them to be pretty reliable. You do need to screw them in tight and I guess you will have the odd one that manages to escape but on the whole I find them quite good. I've even screwed some into my walking boots now so I will see how I get on with them in theses!

  4. I have also used these in the heel of my boots and have only lost a couple. I drill a small diameter pilot hole and screw the studs in with araldite. Proper job!!


  5. Rod - I don't even drill a hole or use glue but they still seem to hold!

  6. Andy - You're obviously better at screwing than me!!


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