Tuesday, June 04, 2013

The State of Nature!

Rodney Byles has kindly alerted me to this speech by Iolo Williams. Listen to it and let me know what you think. I completely agree with what he is saying and I too would love to see CHANGE!

The State of Nature!


  1. Yes truly inspirational!
    With regard to our rivers and lack of fish, surely our next step as anglers is to 'do our bit' and practice catch and release for sewin as well as salmon ?

  2. Jeff - you speak wisely! I am quite prepared to execute catch and release if the LAL Club make it a ruling. I currently kill about 50% of my catch. The 2 salmon I caught last year - one I released the other I kept. Maybe LAL should set an example? The bigger picture is the major problem as I see it but I don't know how I could begin to help. Is anyone aware of any major initiatives resulting from Iolo's speech?

  3. Hi both
    I to would execute catch and release if LAL club made it a rule.To help stock to recover.there is a major problem out there.bit how can we turn it around. we all need to be pulling in the same direction.


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