Monday, January 29, 2018

AGM 2018

A brief report of the AGM
My ladder was rejected as on Crosshands water. Eifion couldn’t be specific about working days as very weather dependant so could be cancelled on the day. Eifion still sec and Dai Watkins appointed chairman. Eifion said he’d look at alternative path through the back end of heart attack hill as I said it’s now very dangerous at night as bank eroded etc etc and only way to bottom end when high water. Dai Watkins is going to speak to the farmer about grave extraction, so we’ll wait and see. The fishing rights owner Dr Allen wasn’t interested in helping with that.
Eifion said Dr Allen said LAL would be given first opportunity to buy when he pops off, but that’s not certain of course. He could even pull the plug if not happy with our rent in which case the Club is finished. The club will propose to Dr Allen a lease for five years, but not sure where the money will come from as rent is £5k/year.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

AGM News?

Does anyone have any?

Tuesday, January 09, 2018


This years AGM is on the 26th January 2018. I won't be able to attend because I'm in Devon but I have sent an email to Jeff in the hope that a few of my points might be discussed? Up till now I haven't had any reply.

  • The excavation of gravel down the bottom of our beat is ruining our fishery and needs to stop immediately. I suggest a senior delegation arranges to discuss this issue with the farmer concerned and that the farmer is left understanding that his actions are completely unacceptable to our club.
  • I would like to see a ladder reinstalled just above Crewel to facilitate easy crossing of the river at that point.
  • I would like to help with the fishery care and management of our beat by assisting on a number of working party days. I would like to be informed of the dates well in advance so that I can arrange to attend as I have quite some distance to travel. FYI I have my own litter picker!