This years AGM is on the 26th January 2018. I won't be able to attend because I'm in Devon but I have sent an email to Jeff in the hope that a few of my points might be discussed? Up till now I haven't had any reply.
- The excavation of gravel down the bottom of our beat is ruining our fishery and needs to stop immediately. I suggest a senior delegation arranges to discuss this issue with the farmer concerned and that the farmer is left understanding that his actions are completely unacceptable to our club.
- I would like to see a ladder reinstalled just above Crewel to facilitate easy crossing of the river at that point.
- I would like to help with the fishery care and management of our beat by assisting on a number of working party days. I would like to be informed of the dates well in advance so that I can arrange to attend as I have quite some distance to travel. FYI I have my own litter picker!
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