Thursday, July 26, 2007

July is a complete wash out!

The whole month of July has been a complete washout. With up to 15 inches of rain across the country it has been the wettest July since records began!

The river has been up and down like a whores draws! I haven't even bothered going down there since the 11th July. Poor old Rod is on the river this week for his annual weeks holiday but doesn't seem to be doing much good! He's had 4 small sewin, 2 on a spinner and 2 on the worm! WORM? Rod, that's not like you - fishing a WORM! All I can say is that things must be getting desperate for Rod to start worming.

Having spoken to Rod this morning he tells me that he is sat in his car and hasn't even attempted to start fishing yet! It's pissing down!

Oh well, lets hope that August is our saviour!

1 comment:

  1. Just catching up on some reading and seen Andy's post of 26th. My week was quite interesting, as although I had resigned myself to no night fishing, it was quite enjoyablke to fish during the day, when the weather allowed. Saw the Otter several times and a Goshawk and a pair of Kingfishers. And also watched a fox watching me for about 10 minutes or so. So quite a good nature week!! River was well up all week so had to resort to alternative tactics, which included spinning and the worm. Yes Andy the worm!! Some expert advice from the master Cerith proved invaluable, as without it I definitely wouldn't have caught the two on the running worm. This is quite a difficult skill to master and hopefully Cerith will give me a practical demonstration at sometimer in the future as there is no substitute to watching how it should be done. Anyway can't complain with an average of one fish a day. Two were 1.5lb and the other 2 were 1.75lb.


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