Sunday, July 07, 2019

No fish!

July - the best month of the season? Rod and I fished for 2 nights and nothing! I saw 1 reasonably good fish but no pulls! Rod had one pull I think! Dan and Steff were fishing Friday night but they had nothing too!


  1. hi Andrew sorry to hear you and rod did not catch anything hope there are a few more fish about in 2 weeks time for me

  2. That's not great news. I was thinking about fishing this Saturday night for the first time this season. Might still give it a whirl though - you can't catch sitting on the sofa!

  3. The only decent fish I saw was just above the tin hut on our bank! Dan fishes there from the other side. It's just above where we cross. Good luck Tim - let us know how you get on as Rod and I are hoping to fish the following week - if there are any fish around! Otherwise it will be the sea bass!

  4. a big double sea trout caught 2 nights ago on the middle river picture on facebook sea trout wales very nice fish


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