Report courtesy of Rodney Byles
Cerith had another fresh hen sewin yesterday evening just where he caught his other monster last year.
It took nearly 30 min's to land in the fast high water and was 29ins long. It was definitely bigger than the 10 pounder he caught earlier in the season and he reckons it could have been well over 11lb! It took 15 min's to revive and release.
He tried spinning by the tin hut first early evening but with no joy so he changed to his favourite method of angling, the worm!He's a lucky sod or should I say a bloody good wormer! I might have to take it up if I'm going to catch anything this year!!!
Thank you Rod for this post and all the others that have sent me! You make a valuable and informative contribution to my blog even if sometimes a little controversial! Thanks!
Bumped into Cerith last night (before he got his whopper)- had tried the worm but only a few plucks (probably parr). Eventually tried a 20g yellow flying c in the tail of crewil - seems like the sewin were deep cos I was rewarded with one 2.5lb (had tried other lighter spinners with little success).Got to keep up my record of not being water whacked ;-) Cheers. Tim