Saturday, June 07, 2014

Same place, same time!

Well Rod left on Friday morning and I decided to have another night's fishing as the river was falling and clearing after a very wet 24 hours. Well it paid off! In the same pool and at about the same time I hooked a lovely 7 lb sewin. It was a hen fish and as fit as a butchers dog! Amazingly the river was desolate - not a single angler in sight! I gave up at 3pm as the thunderstorms began to fester. It was warm - in fact it was so hot to the extent that I walked the 2 1/2 miles back to the caravan in just a teeshirt! Before I started fishing mind you I spotted a monster fish heading and tailing in the fast water - it looked huge from quite a distance so I think it's fair to say that there are some big fish about!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew

    well done on your lovely seatrout they are there now. two nice photos of two nice seatrout and talk of a monster fish. is making me jealous I need to got down soon.


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