Friday, April 12, 2019

Chris Morris kindly donates 2 fishing rods to my cause!

You will be pleased to know that the 2 fly rods that Chris gave me to put on Ebay to raise funds for my Marine Conservation Society Kayaking Challenge has raised a profit of £78.00 towards my target! This is the biggest single donation I've received so far so I would like to thank Chris for his generosity! Cheers pal!

I'm now 69% there having raised £520 so far! I've been car washing, selling records, selling my photographs, selling my body (got fuck all for that)! Also Gilda has been making little pump bags aprons and other oddments which have sold really well but I'm not surprised because she is a very professional seamstress! Thanks Gilda! All of you have contributed and I really appreciate it! Thanks again!

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