Saturday, April 20, 2019

Double figure sea trout on the 19th April?

Can you believe it? Rod and I spent 2 nights on the river. The first night Rod hooked a big fish, played it for ages and then it came off! Then he hooked another and that came off! Friday night I hooked a double figure sea trout and landed it - just about! As soon as I hooked it it jumped at least 5 ft out of the water and then ran like hell! It made a number of runs where I just couldn't hold it. I don't remember such a hard fighting fish as this ever! No picture I'm afraid because Rod couldn't understand my phone!! The earliest I've ever caught sea trout is early May, never in April! All in all we had a very exciting 2 nights fishing. The river has changed massive this season by the way so be careful!


  1. Brilliant Andrew, lets hope it bodes well for a better season this year.Earliest I’ve had a good sewin was May 1st,but that was years ago.

  2. No photo I'm afraid because the phone's owner hadn't set it up to take flash!!

  3. Thanks Chris! yes lets hope this is a sign of things to come?

  4. There was no photo because the owner of the phone didn't know how to set the flash!!

  5. well done to the both of you for hooking fish this early in the season did you catch them down the bottom lets hope this season is better than last year

  6. Yes just by where the 2 rivers start!

  7. i know when you down again

  8. Not sure yet - will let you know!

  9. i am down on the 29th may for 3 nights

  10. Yes it was a very good strong silver fish, but don't think it was as big as mine that got away! By the way the reason there was no picture was because the owner of the phone didn't know how to set the flash!!

    1. The owner of the phone was perfectly competent it was the operator who was below parr!


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